Friday, June 20, 2008


Just when you think the Party Formerly Known as Democratic can't sink any lower or get any more clueless on women's issues, it does.

This week Obama, Dean, Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Gore and all the other Obama bully-boys apparently came out of their Kool-aid induced stupor and realized they might need a few women's votes if the Precious is to have any chance of winning this fall. Sensing we are just a tad angry about their brutal gang-rape and murder of Hillary Clinton's campaign and their subsequent theft of the nomination, the Obamaboiz trotted out a demure and properly respectful group of women Senators to throw us a few crumbs and reassure us that Democrats really are supportive of women's issues. Note to Obama: putting Claire McCaskill, race-baiter and female Uncle Tom, front and center at one of these little performances might just be a little counterproductive, unless you are actively trying to drive us to John McCain. And since Debbie Stabenow still reeks of the stench of her vote for the credit card companies and against her constituents on the Bankruptcy Bill, I wouldn't think she'd be all that persuasive either. But, I guess it's sorta like Rumsfeld said -- you gotta work with the old white women you got, not the old white women you wish you had. A similar performance by Lady Governors for Obama is scheduled for early next week.

This was preceded, of course, by Michelle Obama's appearance on The View, during which, in the mother of all Freudian slips, she called her husband "pathetic." She was reminded by BaBaWaWa of which word she had intended to use; but now everyone agrees, per Obama rules, the entire incident never happened. (Oceania is at war with Eurasia . . . .)

The other highlight of MO's appearance was her praise of Hillary Clinton for "taking the hits" now so that women politicians in the future will see what is in store for them and stay the hell out of Obama's way, making it possible for Michelle to assume her rightful place as Queen of the Whole Damn World.

Obama himself has scheduled a press conference for this afternoon at which he will apprise us of our duty to support him in his campaign for President and counsel us on ways we can be more effective in said support. Prepared remarks already released to the press show the first line of his speech to be: "I'm not sexist; you just periodically get too emotional."

Updates will be posted as more information becomes available.