Saturday, May 17, 2008

Flag Day Protest


It appears that, in conjunction with the same media that pushed George W. Bush on us, the DNC and other party leaders are determined to make Barack Obama, by whatever means necessary, the Democratic nominee for President.

There are many problems with their plan, the most important of which is that he is woefully unqualified and unsuited to hold the highest office in the land. He differs from George W. Bush in only one respect -- he can do quite a good job in delivering a speech, as long as a teleprompter is within sight. Like Bush, he has no accomplishments to justify his nomination or election. He cannot be depended on to keep promises he makes -- ask the former Maytag workers at the closed plant in Illinois. He has chosen to surround himself with unsavory and criminal companions, demonstrating a total lack of judgment. He has chosen to run his campaign by using Chicago-style, strong-arm, crooked politics and has fomented a climate of hate directed at working class Democrats, women and the elderly.

Obama is also unelectable. Results in key states have shown that he cannot get the votes of the working class. While his campaign has played the race card at every opportunity and accused anyone not supporting him of being a racist or an Uncle Tom, the simple truth is that most voters are just too smart to fall for the hopey-changey empty promises on which his campaign is built. He trails Clinton in the popular vote but has achieved a small lead in pledged delegates by means of caucus threats, intimidation, harassment and dirty tricks, fiddling with ballots, disenfranchising voters, and enlisting Democrat-for-a-day Republicans to make a mockery of the selection process. And this asinine system we are using to allocate delegates and select the nominee is a mockery all on its very own. It seems designed to accomplish only one thing -- allow Republicans in red states to select the candidate for us that they can most easily defeat.

Party leaders apparently believe that in spite of all this, we women and working class voters, who have been the backbone of the Democratic Party all these years, will be so overcome with party loyalty this fall that we will swallow our pride and hold our noses and vote for him.

They are wrong. I will never vote for Barack Obama; and from comments on many pro-Hillary blogs, it seems that I am not alone in that decision. It may be that nothing we do or say will make the DNC understand that nominating Obama is a sure way to lose our votes in the GE (and it may be, as some contend, that they just don't care), but let us try one last time to convince them how unhappy we are with the way this selection process has been conducted. It is my hope that everyone who is so outraged at the attempted coronation of Obama that they are thinking of leaving or have already left the Democratic Party will join in this protest to try to stop party elites from marching the party in lockstep with Obama straight off the proverbial cliff.

The plan has five steps:

1. Within the next few days we each call DNC Headquarters (202-863-8000), and tell them that we will absolutely not vote for Barack Obama in the GE if he is the nominee. Tell them their actions in actively supporting the candidacy of Obama rather than representing the interests of the party are squandering an opportunity we may not see again for years, if ever; and if their efforts to get Hillary Clinton out of the race and shove him down our throats as the nominee do not cease, we will, before June 14, Flag Day, be changing our registration to Independent (or Republican, Green, whatever you choose). Explain why in as much detail as they will let you.

2. After the telephone call, write a letter to the DNC (a real letter that they will have to deal with -- Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003) saying something like "this letter is to confirm my telephone call to DNC headquarters on May ____ informing you that . . . ." (whatever you said in the call), and again giving your reasons for opposing the nomination of Obama and changing your voter registration by June 14 if they persist in making him the nominee. Delilah Boyd (thank you) pointed out that all snail mail in DC is still being held indefinitely for inspection, and letters won't arrive in a timely fashion and suggested it will be necessary to get press coverage for such an idea to have an impact. Therefore, we should also mail copies of our letters to Nancy Pelosi's California office (since she is one of the party elites dedicated to getting Hillary out of the race): The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, District Office, 450 Golden Gate Ave., 14th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102. Since Fox (sigh) is the only media outlet covering the race in anything even remotely resembling an even-handed manner, send an e-mail to Greta van Susteren at Fox News giving her the details of what is being done and why. The e-mail address for her show is: Also send e-mails to any other media outlets you wish. Copy these e-mails to the DNC.

3. If Obama announces victory on or about May 20 (he'll probably try to reach out to us hicks by having Mac Davis's old song "Oh, Lord, It's Hard to Be Humble, when you're perfect in every way" playing in the background), let him feel your support by making a contribution to Hillary on that date. Even if it's just a small amount, contribute whatever you can. If you're maxed out or can't give anything right now, send her an e-mail letting her know that his presumptuous announcement will have no effect on your support for her and your wish that she remain in the race and get the nomination.

4. After the primaries are over in early June, if it appears the DNC is determined to stay on this course to overwhelming defeat in the fall by continuing to push Obama on us, go ahead and change your voter registration and get this done by June 14, Flag Day.

5. On June 14 Flag Day (not a postal holiday -- I checked), each of us mails another letter to the DNC, copy to Nancy Pelosi's California office, e-mail to Greta van Susteren and as many other media outlets as you choose, notifying them that we have, as promised, changed our voter registration to (whatever). Again, give our reasons for taking this action and how unacceptable we find the present sorry state of the party, for which we hold them responsible. Tell them whatever else you want and mail your torn up former voter card if you like. (Don't do anything illegal like mailing Howard, Donna or Nancy a photo of your ass -- you can't vote from Leavenworth.) But whatever you say, BE SURE TO INCLUDE THAT you are proud to celebrate Flag Day by refusing to support a candidate with close ties to a traitor to this country who believes stomping on the flag is acceptable behavior.

Send copies of your letters or e-mails to any superdelegates you wish, particularly those in your state.

People who have already changed their registration are urged to also participate by writing a letter and mailing it on this date explaining why they felt it necessary to have done so.

Anyone who will participate in this protest, please copy and paste or link this to other websites if you wish. Spread the word. And if you have any suggestions to make this protest more effective, please speak up.

I understand that Hillary Clinton herself would probably not support such an action because of her loyalty to the party. But to me this is as much a defense of the party itself as it is of her candidacy, because the party has apparently fallen into the hands of a group of people with no respect for the ideals this party has always stood for and the groups that have always supported the party.

A commenter on another blog many months ago (I can't remember who or I would give credit) said that, while a good President is always going to be somewhat limited in what they are able to accomplish, he had learned from bitter experience that the amount of harm a bad President can do is apparently without end. This country has suffered for almost eight years under the Bush administration. We need real leadership, experience and competence. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate left that offers this, and she is the person we should as Democrats be offering to the country as our nominee.